Name (optional but appreciated)
Based on your expectations for the day, the confirmation retreat was:*
What did you like best about the retreat?*
If you could change one thing about the retreat what would you change?*
Which topic (theme) of the Retreat did you find most interesting/impacted you the most?*
How would you rate Camp-of-the-Woods on a scale of 1 - 10? (Consider: atmosphere, accommodations, food, facilities) 10 is the best*
Do you think the 12th grade peer leaders played an active role in the retreat?
If you answered yes above, please give an example. If no, please share how you think they could have been more involved.*
Which witness talk (given by the peer leaders) did you connect with the most?
Do you feel as if the retreat helped prepare you for Confirmation? Please be specific as to why or why not.*
Would you consider peering a peer leader for the Confirmation Retreat next year?
If you answered yes to maybe being a peer leader, please be sure to include your name here
Please feel free to add any additional comments: