Chur​ch of the Immaculate Conception
The Roman Catholic Community of Glenville, New York

Sacramental Celebrations

Eucharist is the "source and summit of the Christian life" (CCC 1324)
Saturday - 4:00pm - St. Joseph's
6:00pm - Immaculate Conception
Sunday - 9:00am - Immaculate Conception
11:00am - Our Lady of Grace
The Daily Mass schedule for our tri-parish community:
Mondays at 6pm at St. Joseph's
Tuesdays at 9am at Immaculate Conception
Wednesdays at 9am at Immaculate Conception
Thursdays at 9am at Our Lady of Grace
Holy Days - Please refer to the weekly bulletin
** Reminder ** If the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Central School District is closed or delayed due to inclement weather then Daily Mass (both in-person and livestreamed) is cancelled for that morning.
Children's Liturgy is for children who are at least four years old but have not yet received First Eucharist. Children are invited to share Liturgy of the Word together during Sunday Mass as scheduled. (Please note: Children's Liturgy is not currently beimg offered at Immaculate Conception, however Our Lady of Grace offers CLOW 2x per month)

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Tuesdays from 1pm - 8pm
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available Saturdays at 5:00pm in the Confessional (south side of the Church) and by appointment.

Infant Baptism

Infant baptism is celebrated with registered parishioners who have participated in our Parish baptismal preparation. Baptismal preparation sessions are typically scheduled once per month on a weekday evening. For detailed information on the Celebration of Infant Baptism, click HERE. Interested parishioners are invited to contact the Parish Office.
First Eucharist

First Eucharist is celebrated during regularly scheduled weekend liturgies in Spring, as scheduled. Children are prepared to receive the Sacrament through participation in the Faith Formation Program while in 2nd grade. In addition to bi-weekly sessions on the day selected by the each family; the program includes at home faith experiences, intergenerational evenings, a retreat and rehearsal. Questions regarding First Eucharist should be directed to Maria Yorkshire, Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation.

Confirmation is typically celebrated in the Spring of 11th grade. The specific date for Confirmation is set by the Bishop's Office. After completion of 10th grade catechesis, candidates enroll in an immediate preparation program including a commitment to prayer, liturgy, large and small group sessions, sponsor and candidate interaction and a full day retreat. Questions regarding Confirmation for teens and young adults should be addressed to the Pastoral Associate for Youth and Adult Ministries.

Registered parishioners who wish to celebrate their marriage at Immaculate Conception are asked to contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to the anticipated date and before any other arrangements have been finalized. For detailed guidelines on Marriage requirements and photographs from recent weddings, please click here.
Anointing of the Sick