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Parish Center Meeting Space Requests

All ministries and outside groups that would like to use the parish center are reminded that you must reserve space in advance by contacting the Parish Office.  Scheduling of space is handled by Fran Szpylczyn.  Fran can be reached via email or by calling 518-399-9168 ext 221.

Our parish is blessed to have many wonderful ministries. There are countless opportunities for lay men and women to be involved in ministry in various areas, including prayer and worship, service and outreach, faith sharing, faith formation, welcoming and community building, and more. Click here for a chart of all the parish ministries, as well as the coordinator's name and contact information.


Below are some of the active ministries in our Parish. 

Specific ministry details,  can be found by clicking the individual images below:

Altar Care
Church 22e.jpg
Art & Decoration
Christmas Presents_edited.jpg

Currently scheduled Liturgical Ministers (Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters, Lectors, Ushers) use the above link to view the current schedule, change preferences, indicate dates not available and request a substitute.

Access to the link requires a user name and password. If you do not know your user name or password, please contact the Parish Office via email or call 399-9168.

Interested in becoming a Liturgical Minister?



Email Address*

Area of Interest*

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