Chur​ch of the Immaculate Conception
The Roman Catholic Community of Glenville, New York
Greeter Ministry
Welcome to the Greeter Ministry page! We are always looking to welcome new faces to this ministry and would be happy to answer any questions you may have about joining the Greeter Ministry.
Everyone has heard the expression: "You don't get a second chance to make a first impression". Men, women and children who are interested in being our Church's first impression when welcoming people as they arrive for Mass. The Greeter Ministry is open to everyone!
Duties of a Greeter are:
Be friendly and smile as you greet people arriving for Mass
Hand out Worship Aids as people enter Church
At the conclusion of Mass, pass out the Weekly Bulletin
After the bulletins have been distributed, arrange the booklets in the pews, put up the kneelers, be sure the worship aids are organized neatly and ready for distribution at the next Liturgy
Like other ministries that take place at Liturgy, Greeters are scheduled quarterly and volunteers have the ability to select their Mass preference, to block off dates that they are not available and if scheduled to request a substitute if necessary. You can serve as frequently as you would like. Greeters are asked to arrive 30 minutes prior to Mass and to stay about 10 minutes after Mass to straighten up.