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Faith Formation Grades K - 5, Stars & Angels and Children's Liturgy of the Word

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Maria Yorkshire
Pastoral Associate for
Faith Formation

518-399-9210 ext 233

The church recognizes that parents are the first and best teachers of faith for their children. Our program offers support and structure to the formation that is happening at home. We strive to integrate the meaning and message of the Word of God, the development of a community of faith, the celebration of Liturgy and worship, and to promote a life of service and discipleship.

All families who were enrolled in Faith Formation last year should have received  a detailed mailing by the end of August.  If you do not receive that mailing, please contact Maria at or call 518-399-9210 to be sure that we have accurate contact information on file for your family.  The content of the mailing is available to view/print by clicking each file below.

Days/Times for Faith Formation

Sessions will begin the 1st week of October


Kindergarten - Grade 5

10:15am - 11:30am


Grade 1 - Grade 5

6:00pm - 7:15pm


Grade 1 - Grade 5

4:00pm - 5:15pm

"Stars and Angels" (formerly called "Rainbow") is offered for children between the ages of 6 and 15 with intellectual or developmental disabilities - perhaps they are in need of their sacraments or maybe they would love to be a bigger part of our Faith Community through participation in the Faith Formation Program. We welcome all with open arms. Led by experienced and dedicated Catechists, we are blessed to offer this unique opportunity. Stars and Angels meets for one hour on Sunday mornings, as scheduled. Please contact our office for more information.

If you are new to our community, WELCOME!

We encourage any new families to contact the Evangelization and Catechesis Office prior to enrollment.

Families enrolling in our program for the first time should print and complete this NEW FAMILY ENROLLMENT FORM

In addition to this form, please bring copies of your child(ren)'s baptismal certificates when you enroll. 

**Please note - this form should only be used for first time enrollment in our tri-parish program.  If your children have previously attended, you will receive a pre-printed form when you come to sign up ** 

Enrolling in Faith Formation is NOT the same as registering with a parish.  We encourage all families in our faith formation program to register in with one of our Tri-Parish Churches. 

For more information, please contact the Parish Office 

Immaculate Conception Parish Office (518) 399-9168

Our Lady of Grace Parish Office  (518) 399-5713

St. Joseph's Parish Office   (518) 346-2316

2024-2025 Program Fee

$70 for 1 child

$130 for 2 children

$180 for 3 or more children

Payment in full is due (cash or check only) at enrollment. 

 If tuition represents a financial hardship for your family, please contact us.


Children are prepared for the Sacraments through participation in the Faith Formation Program while in 2nd grade. If you have a child older than 2nd grade who needs the Sacraments, we welcome them into our program. Please contact our Coordinator of Family and Elementary Faith Formation to discuss your child's situation. Questions about First Reconciliation and First Eucharist should be directed to Maria Yorkshire via email or by calling 518-399-9210 ext 241.

First Reconciliation

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Parents are asked to pick up a take home 1st Reconciliation packet to help prepare children for the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on:  

Sunday, November17th 

Monday, November 18th

Tuesday, November 19th

The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated with our children and their families immediately following the workshop.  You are welcome to invite additional friends and family to attend.

Saturday, January 25th


Our Lady of Grace 

This interactive workshop is designed for one parent to accompany each child preparing for First Reconciliation.  Additional information will be available at the parent meeting.  

Saturday, January 25th


Our Lady of Grace 

First Eucharist

Parents are the primary catechist for forming the faith of their children.  This parent meeting will help parents to accompany their children as their prepare to receive Jesus for the first time in Eucharist.  All parents are expected to attend. 

(Choose one)

Sunday, March 16th  at 10:20am

Monday, March 17th at 4:10pm

Tuesday, March 18th at 6:10pm

The Sacrament of First Eucharist will be one specialTri-Parish family  Mass on APRIL 26, 2024 at Immaculate Conception at 1pm. (rehearsal 4-25-25 from 6 ro 7:30 at IC.) 

The next weekend we expect your son/daughter to attend a Mass of your choice the following Saturday, May 3rd at 4 pm at St. Joseph’s or Sunday, May 4th at Immaculate Conception at 9 am or Our Lady of Grace at 11 am in their 1st Eucharist attire and participate in the May Crowning of our Blessed Mother.

Children preparing for First Eucharist will also participate in one evening Workshop.  Families will have the option of selecting from the below dates, and will need to sign up in advance.  Families are encouraged to attend Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during their child's workshop time.

Monday – April 21, 2024


6pm to 7:30pm

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) is not currently being offered at Immaculate Conception. or St. Joseph's churches.
Our Lady of Grace has resumed CLOW during their 10:30am Mass as scheduled.  For the dates that CLOW is scheduled, please visit the calendar on OLG website

CLOW takes place during our regular Sunday Masses and is for children who are at least 4 years old but have not yet received 1st Eucharist.  CLOW invites children in to fuller participation in Mass, by presenting  the readings in age-appropriate language and offering hands on learning experiences to bring the Word to life for children.  

If you would like more information on CLOW or to volunteer to help with this program for any of our three parishes, please call Maria Yorkshire at 518-399-9210

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