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Beginning August 3, 2021, due to a rise in Covid breakthrough cases, we are asking that everyone please wear a mask when entering the Church and Parish Center.

Our re-opening team continues to monitor CDC guidance regarding gatherings and have the health and safety of all parishioners in mind as we make necessary modifications to our policies.

Updated August 2, 2021

Schedule for Weekend Masses

Saturdays at 5pm           Sundays at 9am

Daily Mass is celebrated Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at 9:00am

If you are experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19, if you are feeling unwell, if you are in a high risk category, or if you do not feel comfortable for any reason you should remain home. While the general dispensation to attend Mass will be lifted by Bishop Scharfenberger on June 6, 2021 - a particular dispensation remains in effect. You can read Bishop Scharfenberger's letter "A Return to Mass" for additional information.


If you have any questions feel free to submit them using the form below - or you can call the Parish Office at 518-399-9168. 


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