Chur​ch of the Immaculate Conception
The Roman Catholic Community of Glenville, New York

ICC - OLG - St Joseph's Summer Fun at Pyramid Life Center
There are multiple options to choose from - we hope that you will join us!
Weekend Option - Friday, July 22nd - Sunday, July 24th
Saturday Day Visit - Saturday, July 23rd
Sunday Picnic Only - Sunday, July 24th
Four Night Option - Sunday, July 24th - Thursday, July 28th
Full Week Option - Friday, July 22nd - Thursday, July 28th
Please note REGISTRATION is required and must be done through the Pyramid Life Center website.
To register for any of the above options, please visit www.pyramidlife.org
and follow the detailed instructions provided on this document.
It is important to note that our staff and parish coordinators are not able to answer questions regarding how to register.
If you have questions about using the online registration system after reviewing the provided instructions, please call PLG at 518-585-7545
For information about the weekend or Saturday only options - please contact John McGuinness at jfmcg.68@gmail.com or 518-461-8148
For information about the four night or Sunday picnic options - please contact Mary Bussert at bluebyrde1252@gmail.com